
SPECIAL FEATURE 鈥淚f we do not listen to Moses and the Prophets鈥︹滱 Reflection for the Celebration of National Bible Month (January 2020)

And [the Rich Man] said, 鈥楾hen I beg you, father, to send [Lazarus] to my father鈥檚 house鈥攆or I have five brothers鈥攕o that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.鈥 But Abraham said, 鈥楾hey have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.鈥 And he said, 鈥楴o, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.鈥 He said to him, 鈥業f they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.鈥 (Lk 16:27-31)

The celebration of National Bible Month in January (formally declared by President Rodrigo Duterte in 2017 as an annual celebration) becomes especially significant when viewed as an invitation to treasure the spirit of the recently concluded Christmas celebration. To remind people to turn to the reading of the Bible after so many festivities evokes the Christian鈥檚 proper response as demonstrated by the first witnesses to the Nativity.

In the Gospel of Luke, where I wish to concentrate this reflection, we have three sets of responses after the shepherds 鈥渕ade known what had been told them about this child鈥 (2:17) and these are shown by (1) 鈥渁ll who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them鈥 (cf. 2:18); (2) Mary who 鈥渢reasured all these words and pondered them in her heart鈥 (2:19); and (3) the shepherds themselves who 鈥渞eturned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them鈥 (2:20).

The pedagogical flow of these responses 鈥 from amazement to pondering to glorifying God 鈥 can serve as a paradigm for understanding the process that a disciple undergoes towards maturity in faith in Jesus. Most crucial to this process is the middle stage since it acts to bridge 鈥榓mazement鈥 with 鈥榞lorifying God.鈥 In Luke鈥檚 infancy narratives, the Blessed Virgin Mary enacts this crucial stage on three occasions when she grapples with the words she heard. In the Annunciation, Mary was 鈥減erplexed鈥 (未喂蔚蟿伪蟻维蠂胃畏) by the words of the Angel and so 鈥減ondered鈥 (未喂蔚位慰纬委味蔚蟿慰) what sort of greeting that might be (1:29). Listening to the shepherds during the nativity, Mary 鈥渢reasured鈥 (蟽蠀谓蔚蟿萎蟻蔚喂) the words 鈥渂y pondering鈥 (蟽蠀渭尾维位位慰蠀蟽伪) them in her heart (2:19). Finally, unable to understand Jesus鈥 words when they [Joseph and Mary] found him in the temple (鈥淲hy were you searching for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father鈥檚 house?鈥, 2:49), Mary 鈥渢reasured鈥 (未喂蔚蟿萎蟻蔚喂) the words in her heart (2:51). 

This 鈥榩ondering,鈥 which we may also call 鈥榙iscipleship of the word鈥 continues in Luke鈥檚 Gospel as a challenge to the disciples in their journey with Jesus. When Jesus calls the first disciples, we find Peter responding to Jesus鈥檚 command to put down the nets for a catch: 鈥淢aster, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word (峒愊峤 未峤 蟿峥 峥ノ嘉毕勎 蟽慰蠀) I will let down the nets鈥 (5:5). Peter鈥檚 response evokes the words of Mary during the Annunciation: 鈥淏ehold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word (魏伪蟿峤 蟿峤 峥メ繂渭维 蟽慰蠀)鈥 (1:38). We see here how the disciples follow a similar process of growth towards maturity and their recognition of Jesus Christ will depend on how they took account of his words as revealed in the Scriptures.

For the disciples who accompanied Jesus to Jerusalem, he will explain the Scriptures through three predictions of his passion, death, and resurrection (cf. 9:21-22, 44-45; 18:31-34). When they fail to understand these words, Jesus will allow them to witness his Transfiguration where, after having seen Moses and Elijah who 鈥渁ppeared in glory and were speaking of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem鈥 (9:31), they will enter the cloud where they will receive the command to 鈥渓isten to him鈥 (9:35). 

To those who have not accompanied the apostles 鈥渄uring all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among [them],beginning from the baptism of John until the day when he was taken up from [them] (Acts 1:21-22),鈥 recognition of Jesus Christ will also be through the Scriptures. This is dramatized in the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. Initially stuck in the first stage of perplexity and amazement, they were able, nonetheless, to project the right attitude of openness to the word by allowing Jesus to join their conversation. Their openness leads them to present a tentative outline of their gospel. Jesus will upbraid them for their failure to understand the Scriptures: 鈥淥h, how foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have declared! Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and then enter into his glory?鈥 (24:25-26) By interpreting the Scriptures to them, Jesus will make their hearts burn with desire leading them to invite him to stay with them. Finally, their hospitality towards Jesus will lead to the breaking of the bread and their recognition of the Risen Christ. 

The discipleship of the word reveals to us that after his Resurrection, Jesus will be recognized only by disciples, as Fred B. Craddock explains beautifully: 鈥淔aith is not coerced or overwhelmed by revelations to the unprepared. Notice that in the Gospels the risen Christ appears to disciples, not to unbelievers on the street and in synagogues to frighten them into an acquiescing faith.鈥 (Luke [Interpretation; Louisville, KY 1990]: 285)

Those who may not have been with Jesus physically (which includes present-day Christians), will fail to recognize the Risen Christ unless through the Scriptures which Jesus himself will (re)open to them. As in the case of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, Jesus鈥 interpretation of the Scriptures (cf. 24:27) will urge them to invite him to stay longer. Their recognition of Jesus in the 鈥榖reaking of the bread鈥 will, finally, cause them to remember how Jesus鈥 opening the Scriptures set their hearts aflame urging them to return to Jerusalem immediately to proclaim the message of the Resurrection. 

It is important to see in Luke鈥檚 account that while the message of the disciples in Jerusalem focused on the confirmation of the Resurrection event (鈥淭he Lord has risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!鈥, 24:34), the message of the disciples from Emmaus points to the process that led to anagnorisis: 鈥淭hen they told what had happened on the road, and how he had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread鈥 (24:35).

The succeeding narrative (24:36-49) will further emphasize the process of recognizing Jesus through the Scriptures. Indeed, by reading through Luke鈥檚 Gospel, one may have the (correct) impression that St. Jerome鈥檚 famous quip 鈥斺淚gnorance of Scriptures is ignorance of Christ鈥濃 should apply primarily to the disciples gathered on the day of the Resurrection. When Jesus appears finally to greet them 鈥淧eace be with you鈥 (24:36), they will initially think of him as a ghost and will need a more powerful reassurance than their perception of his hands and feet (鈥淟ook at my hands and my feet; see that it is I myself. Touch me and see; for a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have鈥, cf. 24:39) or his eating broiled fish in their presence (cf. 24:41-43). Only the Scriptures will reassure them: 鈥淭hese are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you鈥攖hat everything written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms must be fulfilled.鈥 Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures, and he said to them, 鈥淭hus it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.鈥 (24:44-47).

Returning now to the pedagogical paradigm set by the infancy narratives, the third stage of glorifying God will be properly enacted by the Blessed Virgin Mary as a fruit of the discipleship of the word (treasuring and pondering). It is interesting to note that the Blessed Virgin Mary鈥檚 Magnificat (1:46-55) is introduced by Elizabeth鈥檚 praise: 鈥淎nd blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord鈥 (1:45). Remarkably, at the height of his ministry, Jesus鈥檚 praise for her mother will be couched as an invitation for a discipleship of the word: 

鈥淲hile he was saying this, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, 鈥淏lessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts that nursed you!鈥 But he said,聽鈥淏lessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it!鈥澛(11:27-28)

Fr. Wenifredo V. Padilla III, O.P., STL-MA, SSL,聽teaches Sacred Scriptures at the 水果视频 Faculty of Theology (Manila), at the Institute of Preaching of the Dominican Province of the Philippines (Quezon City), and at the Divine Word Seminary (Tagaytay). He is working toward obtaining a Doctorate in Biblical Studies at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. He can be contacted at:聽wenifredopadilla@gmail.com.

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